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Glory to the people who take part, give, test, support, get involved, publish open-source content .. this game would not exist without them, tremendous thanks to all of them !!

The treasurers treasure chest kaalvirus, Redg, Messire_Perfid, Pedro, karadoc, Ragnar, Loki ... treasure chest
Support and love ! Les kings des dimanches aprem
Grand knowledge about hexagons Red Blob Games
Javascript canvas drawing framework Konva
Graphic ressources and information OpenGameArt.com (OGA)
Graphic ressources : units "[LPC] Medieval fantasy character sprites" by Wulax @ OGA (modified)
Graphic ressources : horses "[LPC] Horses" by bluecarrot16 @ OGA (modified)
Graphic ressources : ground types "Medieval RTS" by Kenney.nl
Graphic ressources : icons Freepik.com (FP)
Graphic ressources : skill icons Icons by Leremy @ FP (modified)
Sound effects Pixabay.com (PB)
Trailer and battle music by gearfive @ PB
Camp music by dueg-oth @ PB
Defeat music by Composiia @ PB
Victory music by Diamond_Tunes @ PB
Sound effects Mixkit
Hosting, technical and legal support NokéWeb